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Sims 3 worlds for free

"Seeing someone getting burgled is a public safety issue and you are looking after your community." Ok, why shouldn't I take care of my community and tell people (who some of them are literally ruining their lives) to be careful and notice that what they're buying is just used once or twice and then left? 3 days (childish remarks "jog on" "ridiculous" don't advance the discussion one bit my guy.I believe I will be judged for what I did with that money.Įdit: Aaaaaaand I created a wall of text in reply to a small message, sorry. I believe we are responsible for the money we have, spending hundreds while my neighbor doesn't have enough to feed his family is not okay (not going to tell people that they are wrong or anything, just talking about my mindset). P.s: somewhat out of topic (but might help advance the discussion, if someone continues it). What is the difference between that and wasting money (not talking about a few dollars) on mtx. I can draw the comparison to gambling, suddenly you people are like : oh yeah we should raise awareness about that, tons of organizations are already doing that. Do you really think they are happy with the amount of money they paid on mtx? The whole ftp business model is about these people who sadly don't have enough self control. Just shows how much these people spend, which could be much more than 10 000 dollars. "The vast, vast majority of people are not spending tons of money on them." Contrary to what you might think, this is a bad thing. I never said stop them, I said make them aware in hope that they realize how deep they are gone. 3 days Why is it when I mention "raising awarness" someone replies with "who are you to stop them".

Sims 3 worlds for free